Will there be side effects of proton therapy?
One of the most important benefits of proton therapy is that patients have fewer side effects than with standard radiation because there is less damage to healthy tissue. Most people have no side effects or they are very mild. Before treatment begins, your doctor will discuss possible side effects you may have. Your Care Team nurse will help you manage side effects if they do occur.
Will I lose my hair?
Most proton patients do not experience hair loss. However, every case is different, especially if the patient is receiving other treatments such as chemotherapy at the same time.
Will I be tired during therapy?
Your illness may cause you to feel tired, but in most cases, patients who receive proton therapy are able to continue their normal routines after their daily treatment.
I am very active. Can I continue to exercise during my treatment?
Please discuss your fitness routine with your doctor or other members of your Care Team. In most instances, you will be encouraged to continue to exercise, but it should be discussed with your Care Team to be certain you will not overexert yourself.
Should I change my diet or take supplements before my treatment starts?
You should consult with your Care Team doctor or nurse before making changes in your diet or taking supplements. The Center also has a registered dietician on staff who can help you plan a diet that is right for you.